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How to Repurpose Video Content in 2024 — A Complete Guide

How to Repurpose Video Content in 2024 — A Complete Guide

Vedant Maheshwari


August 2, 2024


5 min

Table of Contents

Today video content is your holy grail if you wish to grow your brand. But creating high-quality videos takes time, effort, and resources.

That's where repurposing video content comes in. By transforming existing videos into multiple formats for various platforms, you can maximize your reach and efficiency.

This article will guide you through the process of repurposing video content, with a focus on using to streamline your efforts.

What is Repurposing Video Content?

Repurposing video content is the practice of taking an existing video and transforming it into different formats or extracting portions to create new pieces of content. This approach allows you to breathe new life into your video assets, extending their value and reach across multiple channels and audience segments.

Imagine you've just hosted a successful hour-long webinar on digital marketing trends. Instead of letting that valuable content gather digital dust, you could:

  1. Extract key insights to create a series of short, punchy social media clips for platforms like Instagram and TikTok.
  2. Transform the webinar transcript into a detailed blog post, complete with key takeaways and actionable tips.
  3. Isolate the audio to create a podcast episode, giving your audience an alternative way to consume the information.
  4. Design an infographic highlighting the main statistics and predictions discussed in the webinar.
  5. Compile a highlight reel of the most impactful moments for YouTube, enticing viewers to watch the full webinar.

Each of these repurposed pieces can reach different segments of your audience, catering to their preferred content consumption habits and platforms.

Benefits of Repurposing Video Content

The benefits of repurposing video content are numerous and impactful:

1. Time-saving

Instead of constantly creating content from scratch, you're leveraging existing material. This allows you to maintain a consistent content schedule without burning out your creative team.

2. Cost-effective

By getting more mileage out of your initial investment in video production, you're effectively reducing the cost per piece of content. This is particularly beneficial for small businesses and startups operating on tight budgets.

3. Increased engagement

Different formats cater to various audience preferences, boosting overall engagement. Some people prefer quick, visually-driven content on social media, while others might enjoy in-depth articles or long-form videos. Repurposing allows you to cater to all these preferences.

4. Improved SEO

Repurposing creates multiple touchpoints for your content across different platforms and formats. This increased online presence can significantly boost your search engine visibility, making it easier for your target audience to find you.

5. Consistent messaging

Repurposing helps maintain a consistent message across different platforms and formats. This reinforcement can help your key points stick with your audience, enhancing brand recall and authority in your niche.

6. Audience expansion

By presenting your content in various formats, you can reach audience segments that might have missed your original video. For instance, a busy professional who doesn't have time for a full webinar might engage with a quick summary video on LinkedIn.

7. Content longevity

Repurposing can give your content a longer lifespan. A video that might have been forgotten after a few weeks can continue to provide value months later when transformed into different formats.

Choosing the Right Videos to Repurpose

Not all videos are created equal when it comes to repurposing. To maximize your efforts and ensure the best return on investment, it's crucial to focus on videos that meet specific criteria. Let's delve deeper into what makes a video ideal for repurposing:

1. High-quality

The original video should be well-produced with clear audio and visuals. Poor quality content will only be amplified when repurposed, potentially damaging your brand's reputation. Ensure that the video has good lighting, clear sound, and professional-looking visuals before considering it for repurposing.

2. Relevant

The content should still be applicable and valuable to your audience. Outdated information or trends that have passed their prime are not good candidates for repurposing. However, if you have evergreen content that remains relevant over time, these videos are gold mines for repurposing.

3. Engaging

Look for videos that have performed well in terms of views, likes, and comments. This engagement is a strong indicator that the content resonates with your audience and is worth repurposing. Analyze your video metrics to identify top performers.

4. Comprehensive

Videos that cover a topic in-depth often provide the most material for repurposing. These comprehensive videos can be broken down into multiple smaller pieces, each focusing on a specific aspect of the larger topic.

5. Storytelling elements

Videos that tell a compelling story or present information in a narrative format are often easier to repurpose. The story elements can be extracted and adapted for different formats while maintaining audience interest.

Types of Videos Ideal for Repurposing:

1. Webinars

These often contain a wealth of information that can be broken down into smaller, digestible pieces. A single webinar can potentially yield dozens of repurposed content pieces, from short social media clips to in-depth blog posts.

2. Interviews

Expert insights from interviews are perfect for repurposing. You can extract quotes for social media posts, create blog articles summarizing key points, or even create a series of shorter video clips focusing on specific questions or topics discussed.

3. Product tutorials

These can be segmented into step-by-step guides or quick tips. For example, a comprehensive product tutorial could be broken down into a series of Instagram Stories, each focusing on a single feature or use case.

4. Event recordings

Keynote speeches or panel discussions from events are rich sources of content. You can create highlight reels, extract key quotes for social media, or even create a series of blog posts diving deep into the topics discussed.

5. Educational content

Courses or lectures can be broken down into bite-sized lessons. This not only makes the content more digestible but also allows you to create a content series that can keep your audience engaged over a longer period.

6. Behind-the-scenes videos

These offer a unique glimpse into your company culture and can be repurposed into employee spotlight posts, company culture videos, or even recruitment materials.

7. Customer testimonials

While these might start as longer interviews, they can be repurposed into short social media testimonials, case study videos, or even incorporated into product pages on your website.

To evaluate your existing video content for repurposing potential, consider the following strategies:

1. Review analytics

Look at which videos have performed well in terms of engagement and retention. Pay attention to metrics like watch time, click-through rates, and audience retention graphs. Videos with high engagement rates are likely to perform well when repurposed.

2. Identify key moments

As you review your videos, note sections that contain valuable insights, memorable quotes, or important statistics. These moments are prime candidates for repurposing into shorter clips or social media posts.

3. Consider relevance

Ensure the content aligns with your current marketing goals and audience needs. A video that performed well in the past might not be relevant to your current strategy or audience interests.

4. Check for updates

For older content, verify that the information is still accurate and up-to-date. If necessary, consider how you might update or contextualize the information when repurposing.

5. Analyze comments and feedback

Look at viewer comments and feedback on your videos. These can provide insights into what aspects of the video resonated most with your audience, guiding your repurposing efforts.

6. Consider seasonal relevance

Some videos might be particularly relevant during certain times of the year. Identify these and plan to repurpose them ahead of the relevant season or event.

7. Look for evergreen topics

Content that addresses timeless topics or fundamental concepts in your industry is especially valuable for repurposing, as it can remain relevant for extended periods.

By carefully selecting the right videos to repurpose, you set a strong foundation for your content strategy. This thoughtful approach ensures that your repurposed content will be high-quality, relevant, and engaging for your audience across various platforms and formats.

How to Create a Video Repurposing Strategy

Before diving into the actual process of repurposing your video content, it's crucial to develop a comprehensive strategy. This strategic approach will help you stay organized, ensure your repurposed content aligns with your overall marketing goals, and maximize the impact of your efforts. Let's break down the key components of an effective repurposing strategy:

Setting Goals and Identifying Key Moments

1. Define your objectives

Start by clearly articulating what you want to achieve with your repurposed content. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, generate leads, improve engagement, or drive traffic to your website? Your goals will guide your repurposing decisions and help you measure success. For example:

  • Brand awareness: Focus on creating shareable, bite-sized content that introduces your brand to new audiences.
  • Lead generation: Repurpose content into gated resources like eBooks or webinars that require email sign-ups.
  • Improved engagement: Create interactive content like quizzes or polls based on your video material.
  • Website traffic: Repurpose video content into blog posts or infographics that link back to your site.

2. Identify target platforms

Understanding where your audience spends their time is crucial. Different platforms may require different content formats and styles. Research your audience demographics and behavior to determine which platforms to prioritize. For instance:

  • If your audience is primarily young professionals, focus on LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • For a younger demographic, prioritize Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
  • If you're targeting other businesses, consider repurposing content for industry-specific platforms or forums.

3. Create a content calendar

Planning out when and where you'll publish your repurposed content is essential for maintaining a consistent schedule. Your content calendar should include:

  • Publication dates for each piece of repurposed content
  • The platform where each piece will be published
  • The format of the repurposed content (e.g., blog post, social media video, infographic)
  • Any relevant hashtags or campaigns associated with the content
  • Team members responsible for creating and publishing each piece

4. Analyze your original video

Before repurposing, thoroughly review your video content. Watch each video carefully, noting:

  • Key moments that can stand alone as separate pieces of content
  • Memorable quotes or soundbites
  • Visual elements that could be repurposed (e.g., charts, graphs, or demonstrations)
  • Sections that could be expanded upon in written content

5. Transcribe the video

A transcript can be invaluable for identifying key points and creating written content. offers automatic transcription, making this process effortless. With a transcript, you can:

  • Easily search for specific topics or keywords within your video
  • Create accurate captions for your repurposed video clips
  • Use the text as a basis for blog posts or social media captions

6. Segment your video

Break down the video into logical sections or themes that can be repurposed individually. This might include:

  • Introduction or overview sections
  • Individual tips or steps in a process
  • Case studies or examples
  • Q&A segments

7. Prioritize content

Determine which segments or insights are most valuable and should be repurposed first. Consider:

  • Which parts of the video received the most engagement (comments, likes, shares)
  • Which segments align most closely with your current marketing goals
  • Timely or seasonal content that should be prioritized

8. Develop a repurposing workflow

Create a standardized process for repurposing content to ensure consistency and efficiency. This might include steps like:

  • Extracting key points from the transcript
  • Creating an outline for repurposed written content
  • Designing templates for social media posts
  • Establishing guidelines for video editing and graphics creation

9. Assign roles and responsibilities

Determine who on your team will be responsible for each aspect of the repurposing process. This might include:

  • Content strategists to identify repurposing opportunities
  • Video editors to create clips and add graphics
  • Writers to develop blog posts or social media captions
  • Designers to create infographics or other visual content
  • Social media managers to schedule and publish repurposed content

10. Plan for cross-promotion

Consider how your repurposed content pieces can work together to create a cohesive marketing strategy. For example:

  • Use social media teasers to drive traffic to a full blog post
  • Include links to related repurposed content within each piece
  • Create a series of repurposed content pieces that tell a larger story over time

By taking the time to create a comprehensive repurposing strategy, you set yourself up for success. This strategic approach ensures that your repurposed content is not only high-quality but also aligned with your broader marketing objectives and tailored to your target audience across various platforms.

How Simplifies Video Content Repurposing

In the world of content marketing, efficiency is key. This is where comes into play, offering an AI-powered platform designed to streamline the video repurposing process. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, simplifies and accelerates the transformation of your existing videos into multiple formats suitable for various platforms.

Let's dive deep into how works and how it can revolutionize your video repurposing workflow:

Using for Efficient Repurposing

1. Upload your video

The process begins with uploading your original video to the platform. The platform supports a wide range of video formats and resolutions, making it versatile for different types of content. Whether you're uploading a high-definition webinar recording or a quick smartphone video, can handle it.

2. Automatic analysis

Once your video is uploaded,'s AI goes to work. It analyzes your video, identifying key moments, speakers, and topics. This analysis forms the foundation for intelligent repurposing. The AI looks for:

  • Changes in speaker or topic
  • Emotional high points or areas of emphasis
  • Visual cues like changes in slides or scenery
  • Key phrases or recurring themes

Simultaneously, generates a highly accurate transcript of your video. This transcript is not just a word-for-word rendition but is intelligently formatted with proper punctuation and speaker identification, making it immediately useful for content creation.

3. Choose templates offers a variety of pre-designed templates tailored for different social media platforms and content types. These templates are not one-size-fits-all but are customized based on the latest best practices for each platform. For example:

  • Vertical templates optimized for Instagram Stories or TikTok
  • Square templates perfect for Instagram feed posts
  • Widescreen templates ideal for YouTube or LinkedIn

Each template is designed with the specific requirements and audience expectations of its target platform in mind, ensuring your repurposed content looks native and engaging wherever it's posted.

4. Customize clips

With's intuitive interface, you can easily adjust and customize your repurposed content. The platform offers a range of features to enhance your clips:

  • Trim video length to create short, impactful snippets
  • Add captions that are automatically synced with the audio
  • Customize the font, size, and style of captions to match your brand
  • Insert your logo or watermark
  • Add text overlays to emphasize key points
  • Apply filters or adjust color grading to match your brand aesthetic

The platform's user-friendly design means you don't need to be a video editing expert to create professional-looking content.

5. Generate multiple versions

One of's most powerful features is its ability to create variations of your clips optimized for different platforms with just a few clicks. This means you can repurpose a single video into:

  • A 15-second teaser for Instagram Stories
  • A 60-second highlight reel for IGTV
  • A square video for Facebook
  • A widescreen clip for YouTube
  • A text-based post for LinkedIn

Each version is automatically optimized for its target platform, saving you hours of manual editing and formatting.

6. Preview and edit

Before finalizing your repurposed content, allows you to preview each piece. This step is crucial for ensuring quality and consistency across your repurposed content. You can:

  • Play back your clips to check timing and flow
  • Review captions for accuracy
  • Adjust visual elements like text placement or logo size
  • Ensure the key message of each clip is clear and impactful

If you notice any issues, you can easily make edits right within the platform, without needing to start over or use separate editing software.

7. Export and share

Once you're satisfied with your repurposed content, makes it easy to get your content out into the world. You can:

  • Download your repurposed videos in various formats suitable for different platforms
  • Schedule posts directly from the platform to your connected social media accounts
  • Generate shareable links for easy distribution to your team or clients

This seamless export and sharing process ensures your repurposed content can quickly make its way to your audience, maximizing its timeliness and impact.

Key Features of

1. Automatic captioning

Many users watch videos with the sound off, especially on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.'s automatic captioning feature ensures your message gets across, even on mute. The AI-generated captions are highly accurate and can be easily edited if needed.

2. Subtitle customization

Beyond just generating captions, allows you to fully customize how they appear. You can:

  • Choose from various font styles to match your brand
  • Adjust the size and color of the subtitles for maximum readability
  • Position the subtitles optimally on the screen
  • Add background boxes or shadows to ensure text visibility against any backdrop

This level of customization ensures that your captions not only convey information but also enhance the overall aesthetic of your video.

3. Viral score prediction

One of's most innovative features is its ability to predict the potential virality of your repurposed content. Using machine learning algorithms trained on vast amounts of social media data, the platform analyzes various aspects of your clip, including:

  • Content relevance and timeliness
  • Visual appeal and engagement factors
  • Caption quality and readability
  • Optimal length for the target platform

Based on this analysis, provides a "viral score" for each piece of repurposed content. This score can guide your content strategy, helping you prioritize which clips to promote or refine further.

4. Multi-platform optimization

Different social media platforms have distinct requirements for video content. takes the guesswork out of formatting by automatically resizing and optimizing your content for various platforms. This includes:

  • Adjusting aspect ratios (e.g., 16:9 for YouTube, 1:1 for Instagram feed, 9:16 for TikTok)
  • Optimizing video length based on platform-specific best practices
  • Adjusting bitrate and compression for optimal playback on each platform
  • Ensuring compliance with platform-specific requirements (like maximum file sizes)

This feature saves hours of manual work and ensures your content looks great no matter where it's posted.

5. Text-to-video isn't limited to repurposing existing video content. Its text-to-video feature allows you to transform written content, like blog posts or articles, into engaging video content. The AI analyzes your text to:

  • Identify key points and create a narrative structure
  • Select relevant stock footage or generate simple animations
  • Add text overlays to emphasize important information
  • Generate a voiceover using advanced text-to-speech technology

This feature opens up new possibilities for content repurposing, allowing you to breathe new life into your written content.

6. Audio extraction

Sometimes, the audio from your video can be valuable on its own. makes it easy to extract high-quality audio from your videos, perfect for creating:

  • Podcast episodes
  • Audio snippets for social media
  • Soundbites for radio or audio ads
  • Background music or voiceovers for other content

The platform ensures the extracted audio is cleaned and optimized for clarity and volume.

Optimizing Repurposed Content for Various Platforms

Each social media platform has its own best practices for video content. Understanding these nuances is crucial for maximizing the impact of your repurposed content. helps you tailor your repurposed content to meet these platform-specific requirements. Let's explore how to optimize your content for some of the major platforms:

1. TikTok and Instagram Reels

These platforms thrive on short, engaging vertical videos. Here's how to optimize your content:

  • Use's vertical video templates to create 9:16 aspect ratio clips.
  • Keep videos short (15-60 seconds) and engaging. can help you identify the most dynamic segments of your original video.
  • Add trending music or soundbites using's audio library. The platform can suggest popular tracks that match the mood of your content.
  • Utilize text overlays to convey key messages, as many users watch without sound.
  • Incorporate trending effects or transitions to make your content feel native to the platform.

2. Instagram Feed

For the main Instagram feed, consider these optimization strategies:

  • Use square (1:1) or portrait (4:5) aspect ratios. can automatically reframe your content to fit these dimensions.
  • Create visually appealing thumbnails using's customization tools. A strong thumbnail can significantly boost engagement.
  • Add captions to make your content accessible and engaging even without sound.'s automatic captioning feature streamlines this process.
  • Keep videos under 60 seconds for the main feed, or use longer formats for IGTV.
  • Use's color grading tools to ensure your video matches your Instagram aesthetic.

3. YouTube Shorts

YouTube's answer to short-form video content requires a specific approach:

  • Use vertical video format (9:16 aspect ratio), which can automatically generate from your original footage.
  • Keep videos under 60 seconds to qualify as Shorts.
  • Use's text overlay feature to add clear, concise titles that grab attention in the Shorts feed.
  • Incorporate eye-catching graphics or animations to stand out. offers templates designed specifically for YouTube Shorts.
  • Ensure your branding is visible but not obtrusive. allows you to add subtle watermarks or logos.

4. LinkedIn

For a more professional audience, consider these optimization techniques:

  • Opt for a landscape (16:9) or square (1:1) format for in-feed videos. can reformat your content accordingly.
  • Use professional-looking templates and add your company logo. offers a range of business-oriented templates.
  • Incorporate text overlays to highlight key points for silent viewing. This is crucial as many LinkedIn users browse at work without sound.
  • Keep videos concise (under 2 minutes) for the feed, or use longer formats for LinkedIn's native video platform.
  • Use's automatic transcription to create a text version of your video, which you can include in the post for improved accessibility and SEO.

5. Twitter

Twitter's fast-paced environment requires a specific approach to video content:

  • Keep videos concise (ideally under 2 minutes). can help you identify and extract the most impactful moments from longer videos.
  • Use's automatic captioning to make your content accessible. This is crucial on Twitter, where many users watch videos without sound.
  • Create eye-catching thumbnails to encourage clicks.'s customization tools can help you design thumbnails that stand out in a crowded feed.
  • Utilize's viral score prediction to identify which clips are most likely to perform well on Twitter's algorithm.
  • Consider creating a series of shorter clips (15-30 seconds) that tell a larger story across multiple tweets.

6. Facebook

Facebook offers various placements for video content, each with its own requirements:

  • Use square (1:1) or landscape (16:9) formats for in-feed videos. can automatically adjust your content to these aspect ratios.
  • Optimize for mobile viewing with clear visuals and legible text.'s templates are designed with mobile viewing in mind.
  • Utilize's looping feature for short, engaging clips that work well in Facebook's autoplay environment.
  • Create longer, more in-depth content for Facebook Watch, using to extract extended segments from your original videos.
  • Use's caption feature to add subtitles, as many Facebook users watch videos without sound.

Tips for using's templates and features:

  1. Experiment with different templates to find what works best for each platform.'s analytics can help you track which formats perform best.
  2. Use the A/B testing feature to compare different versions of your repurposed content. This can help you refine your strategy over time.
  3. Pay attention to the viral score prediction to guide your content optimization efforts. Focus on enhancing elements that contribute to a higher score.
  4. Utilize platform-specific features like hashtags, mentions, and stickers to increase visibility. can suggest relevant hashtags based on your content.
  5. Regularly review platform guidelines to ensure your repurposed content complies with current standards. keeps its templates updated to reflect the latest best practices.
  6. Use's scheduling feature to post your content at optimal times for each platform. The AI can suggest the best posting times based on your audience's activity patterns.
  7. Leverage's analytics to track the performance of your repurposed content across platforms. Use these insights to continually refine your repurposing strategy.

By tailoring your repurposed content to each platform's specific requirements and best practices, you can significantly increase its impact and reach.'s suite of tools makes this process efficient and effective, allowing you to create platform-optimized content at scale.

Wrapping Up    

In 2023, it does not really make sense to manually trim and edit your existing video content to repurpose it. As the world paces itself with the power of AI, you can also make the best use of tools like In the end, you can serve your audience better while saving time, money, and effort.

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