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8 Podcast Planning and Scripting Templates by

8 Podcast Planning and Scripting Templates by

Allan Martyr


August 2, 2024


9 min

Table of Contents

Regardless of your show's style, having predefined segments for your podcast script is helpful. When it's time for prepared content, refer to these podcast planning and scripting templates to engage your audience and/or your podcast guest.

Elements of a Podcast Script

A podcast script is vital for a smooth show. 

  1. The opening includes intro music, podcast title, roadmap, and guest intro. 
  2. Segues ensure smooth transitions between sections or to ads, maintaining flow. 
  3. Recaps summarize discussions. 
  4. The outro wraps up the episode, thanking contributors, including calls to action, previews of future episodes, and credits. 
  5. Sponsor messages aid monetization. 

8 Podcast Planning and Scripting Templates

Mastering the script-writing process takes practice, but following these free podcast planning and scripting templates will help you create compelling podcast content.

1. Interview podcast script example

Series Introduction

Your show's introduction should be concise, inviting listeners to the episode while providing a brief podcast summary. Consistency is key here. A simple intro structure could be:

“Welcome to [podcast name], where we [brief podcast pitch or tagline]. I’m [host name], and today’s focus is [episode topic] featuring [guest name]. We also have a surprise guest joining us later, so stay tuned.”

Guest Introductions

When introducing guests, precision matters. A scripted introduction ensures accuracy and highlights why your audience should value their expertise:

“Let’s welcome [guest name] to [podcast name]. They bring [guest’s purpose: expertise, insights, personal story, etc.]. Hi, [guest first name], glad to have you here.”

Sponsor Messages

Sponsor messages can vary, from scripted content to provided talking points. The goal is a natural delivery that resonates with your audience and encourages sponsor support:

“Today’s episode is sponsored by [sponsor name]. [Highlight sponsor’s product/service benefits and why listeners should consider it].”


The outro is your chance to express gratitude, summarize the discussion's value, thank the audience, and tease future content or events:

“Join our [name] Facebook group for deeper insights on this episode. Grab your tickets for our live show in [place] at [url] before they sell out.”

Calls to Action (CTAs)

CTAs are pivotal for audience engagement, prompting actions like subscribing or leaving reviews. Authenticity is key to encouraging action:

“Thanks for tuning in to [podcast name]. Help us grow by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. Stay tuned for next week's episode on [next episode’s topic].”

Crafting various scripts for different needs, like selling merchandise or premium subscriptions, is essential as your podcast evolves. These segments provide a starting point for effective engagement and growth.

2. Roundtable podcast script example

Show Opening

Teaser (A brief 10-30 sec clip from the episode to captivate the audience)

Recurring Introduction

Welcome to [Podcast Name], a platform exploring [Topic/Tagline]. Every week, we delve into [Theme]. Ready to dive in?


Greetings, I'm your host, [Your Name], bringing [Credentials/Expertise] to the table.

Sponsor Message

Today's episode is sponsored by [Sponsor Name]. Discover the perks of [Sponsor's Product/Service].

Guest Introduction

Meet [Guest Name], a true authority in [Their Field/Role]. Delighted to have them share insights on [Topic] and their journey. Welcome, [Guest First Name], to [Podcast Name]!

Interview with Guest

Early Questions (1-3)

Uncover the genesis of the topic/problem or the guest's career with questions like:

  • What inspired your journey into this field?
  • How did this topic/problem come about?
  • What emotions surfaced when...?

Transition with Music

Mid-Questions (4-8)

Explore the current status of the topic/problem or the guest's career.

Transition with Music

Later Questions (9-10)

Forecast the future or seek advice for the future from the guest.

Transition / Conclusion

Play a brief song or sound effect, initiate a game or ask a question from social media.

Closing Segment

Reflect on conversation highlights

Highlight key takeaways and invaluable insights

Call to Action

Engage with the podcast: Follow, subscribe, review, and join on social media.


  • Express gratitude to the guest and listeners
  • Share any guest-related links or promotions
  • Tease the next episode or upcoming content

Appreciate your support of [Podcast Name]. Join us next week as we explore [Next Episode's Topic]. Remember to [Prompt for follow/subscribe, reviews, and social media engagement].

3. Solo podcast script sample

[Music intro]

[Opening remarks]

Segment I (Duration: ______)


Segment II (Duration: ______)


Segment III (Duration: ______)



[Encouragement to engage]

[Teaser for the next episode]

4. Co-hosted podcast script example

[Music intro]

[Sponsor mention]

Introduction: Set the scene, briefly outlining the episode's scope and expectations.

Topic #1: Duration: (____)

Co-Host's Input:


Topic #2: Duration: (____)

Co-Host's Input:


Closing Thoughts: Duration: (____)

Co-Host's Summary:


[Call to action]

[Sponsor mention]

5. Narrative podcast script example

[Music intro]

[Sponsor message]

Act I Duration: (____)

  • Introduction of setting and characters
  • Inciting incident or central question
  • Turning point or redirection of narrative

Act II Duration: (____)

  • Development of the narrative arc
  • Escalating action and plot progression

[Sponsor message]

Act III Duration: (____)

  • Climax of the theme
  • Resolution of the conflict
  • Conclusion and closure

Final thoughts and teaser for the next episode

[Call to action]

[Sponsor message]

6. Debate podcast script example

[Music intro]

[Sponsor message]

Introduction: Duration: (____)

Topic #1: Duration: (____)

Main point

  • Supporting details
  • Relevant quotes or data


Topic #2: Duration: (____)

Main point

  • Supporting details
  • Relevant quotes or data

[Sponsor message]

Topic #3: Duration: (____)

Main point

  • Supporting details
  • Relevant quotes or data

Closing thoughts or recap

[Sponsor message]

[Closing music or sound effect]

7. Panel discussion podcast script example

[Music intro]

[Sponsor message]

Opening remarks: Provide a glimpse into the episode to engage listeners.

Guest introduction: Highlight guest’s achievements and expertise.

Question #1. (Duration: ____)

Question #2. (Duration: ____)

[Sponsor message]

Question #3. (Duration: ____)

Recap and closing thoughts

Preview of the next episode

Call to action: Prompt listeners to subscribe, join, or participate.

8. Q&A podcast script example

[Music intro]

[Sponsor message]

Introduction: Duration: (____)

Question #1: _______ Duration: (____)

  • Main answer
  • Supporting evidence
  • Examples

Question #2: _______ Duration: (____)

  • Main answer
  • Supporting evidence
  • Examples

Question #2: _______ Duration: (____)

  • Main answer
  • Supporting evidence
  • Examples




Crafting a seamless script is the backbone of a compelling show, regardless of its format or style. From interviews to roundtable discussions, narratives to Q&A sessions, each segment requires meticulous planning and scripting.

However, the art of repurposing these free podcast planning and scripting templates remains an integral aspect of content strategy. Enter—a tool designed to streamline your podcast repurposing process. With’s AI editing, video clipping, and one-click social media scheduling features, podcasters not only ensure a structured and engaging show but also open doors to reach wider audiences through diverse content forms. 

Sign up for a free account on today to unlock the true potential of your podcast.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the key elements to consider when planning a podcast?

When planning a podcast, several key elements contribute to its success:

1. Audience Research

Understanding your audience is paramount. Research their preferences, interests, and pain points to tailor your content to their needs.

  • Identify demographics and psychographics.
  • Analyze feedback and engagement metrics.
  • Tailor content based on audience interests.

2. Content Strategy

Craft a clear content strategy outlining topics, themes, and episode formats. Develop a content calendar to maintain consistency and relevance.

  • Outline episode themes and topics.
  • Plan guest interviews or solo episodes.
  • Maintain a content calendar for consistency.

3. Technical Setup

A quality technical setup ensures professional audio and seamless production. Invest in reliable equipment and software for recording and editing.

  • High-quality microphones and recording software.
  • Soundproofing or controlled recording environments.
  • Editing software for post-production finesse.

2. How should a podcast script be structured?

Podcast scripts should follow a structured format for coherence and engagement.

Begin with a captivating introduction that hooks the audience. Introduce the episode's topic and set the tone for what's to come.

  • Catchy opening lines to engage listeners.
  • Clear introduction of the episode's topic.

The body comprises the main content. Organize information logically, use storytelling techniques, and include supporting evidence or examples.

  • Logical organization of content.
  • Use of storytelling to engage listeners.
  • Incorporate evidence or examples.

Wrap up the episode by summarizing key points and offering a clear conclusion or call to action.

  • Summarize key takeaways.
  • Provide a clear conclusion or call to action.
  • Maintain engagement till the end.

3. What are examples of podcast scripting templates?

Several podcast scripting templates cater to different styles and formats:

1. Interview-Based Podcast Template

  • Introduction: Greet audience, introduce guests.
  • Segment breakdown: Outline interview segments or questions.
  • Conclusion: Thank guests, recap key points, and call to action.

2. Solo Podcast Template

  • Introduction: Hook audience, introduce topic.
  • Main Content: Break down into segments or points.
  • Conclusion: Summarize key points, offer conclusions or call to action.

3. Narrative or Storytelling Podcast Template

  • Introduction: Set the scene, hook the audience.
  • Story Development: Outline story arcs or key elements.
  • Conclusion: Wrap up the story, offer reflection or call to action.

4. Why is consistency important in podcast planning and scripting?

Consistent planning and scripting reinforce your podcast's brand identity, making it recognizable and memorable.

  • Consistent style and tone create brand recognition.
  • Establishing familiarity builds audience loyalty.

Consistency meets audience expectations, ensuring they know what to anticipate from each episode, fostering anticipation and loyalty.

  • Meeting expectations builds anticipation.
  • Consistency breeds audience loyalty.

Consistency in planning and scripting sustains growth by fostering a dedicated listener base and attracting new followers.

  • Sustained growth through dedicated listeners.
  • Attraction of new followers through reliability.
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