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Tips to repurpose old videos to increase ROI

Tips to repurpose old videos to increase ROI

August 27, 2023
5 min
Vedant Maheshwari
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Vedant Maheshwari
5 min read
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Video marketing can be highly effective, with 89% of video marketers reporting a good return on investment . As a result, it’s natural for businesses to focus on creating more and more video content. However, there is another option: repurposing existing video content. This allows you to get additional value from videos you’ve already created, without having to invest a lot of time and resources into the process. But first, make sure your videos are being watched. If you need help with that, check out our article on how to create a professional video.

Many businesses create videos, promote them, and then file them away once they’ve served their purpose. But there’s no reason to let those videos go to waste. Repurposing video content means creatively reusing great content to create new content. In this post, we’ll explore seven ways to repurpose your videos into different types of content.

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Cut and Distribute Short videos from longer webinars

Webinars are often packed with valuable content, but instead of just sending out a replay, you can generate more leads by sharing short, bite-sized videos on social media that encourage your audience to watch the full replay. To create these promo videos, simply pull out the best takeaways from your webinar and share them on social media. Here are some tips to make sure your repurposed content gets the attention it deserves:

  • Create clips of only the best parts of your webinar, such as an interviewee sharing their best advice or industry insights.
  • Add captions to the repurposed video to make it accessible to people who watch videos with the sound off ( 83% of people ) or who have a hearing impairment ( 5% of the global population ).
  • Include a call to action (CTA) in your short clip to guide viewers to watch the full webinar replay.

Isolate parts of Video Conferencing videos to reuse them

Did you think the product tutorial from your town hall meeting was fantastic? You can reuse and share it with your customers by repurposing it into other videos. For example:

  • Isolate and create a testimonial video from your monthly customer check-in video (but be sure to ask for the customer’s permission first).
  • Repurpose advice from weekly stand-up meetings into short videos for new hires.
  • Create how-to videos from your product meeting session that discuss using new features.

By repurposing video content in this way, you can make your content more dynamic and add authenticity to your overall marketing strategy. Plus, it’s easy to do. Just make sure that the audio and video quality are consistent across all the video clips you use, and always make sure you have permission to feature the people in your parent video.

Repurposing Podcasts can boost audience reach and discoverability

Podcasters can repurpose their podcasts in a variety of ways to reach new audiences and increase the value of their content. Here are a few ideas:

  • Create transcriptions or summaries of the podcast episode and share them on social media or on your website. This can help make your content more accessible to people who prefer to read or are unable to listen to the audio.
  • Create short video clips of key points or highlights from the podcast episode and share them on social media or on YouTube. This can help make your content more visually appealing and attract new listeners.
  • Create a blog post or article based on the podcast episode and share it on your website or on other platforms such as Medium. This can help you reach a new audience and drive traffic to your website.
  • Share quotes or takeaways from the podcast episode on social media or in email newsletters. This can help spark interest in your podcast and encourage people to listen to the full episode.
  • Create a podcast highlight reel or “best of” episode featuring key points or highlights from multiple episodes. This can help attract new listeners and give existing listeners a quick way to catch up on your content.

Let AI Cut and Trim Long-Form Videos into Short Video Teasers for Social Media

Letting artificial intelligence (AI) cut and trim long-form videos into short video teasers for social media can be a quick and efficient way to promote your content. AI-powered video editing tools can analyze your long-form video and automatically select the most compelling clips, such as moments of action, suspense, humor, or emotion. They can then trim these clips down to a shorter length, typically 15 seconds to 1 minute, and combine them into a cohesive trailer.

To use AI to cut and trim your long-form video into a teaser, you’ll need to choose an AI-powered video editing tool.

There are several options available, but because you are already on and we have a pretty amazing AI-powered content repurposing tool, you can sign up and use our templates and features.

Now that you have signed up, you’ll typically need to upload your long-form video or import one from YouTube or other sources by entering the video URL. Once uploaded and processed, you can choose to use one of our templates or edit the video the way you like.

Using AI to cut and trim long-form videos into short video teasers can save you time and effort compared to doing it manually. It can also help you create a more polished and professional-looking teaser, as the AI will automatically select the best clips and trim them to the perfect length. Once you’ve created your teaser, you can share it on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your content and drive traffic to your website or YouTube channel.

Repurposing Long-form videos for Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat stories

There are a few ways you can repurpose long videos for use on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Cut the video into shorter segments: One way to make a long video more suitable for social media is to divide it into shorter segments that can be shared as individual posts. This allows you to break up the content and share it over a period of time, rather than overwhelming your audience with a single long video.
  • Create highlights: Another option is to create highlights from the long video and share those as a series of posts. This allows you to showcase the most interesting or relevant moments from the video and give your audience a taste of what the full video has to offer.
  • Create a trailer or teaser: If you want to promote a longer video on social media, consider creating a trailer or teaser that gives your audience a taste of what’s to come. This can help generate interest and anticipation for the full video.
  • Use captions and subtitles: Many social media users watch videos with the sound off, so it’s important to include captions or subtitles in your videos to ensure that the content is accessible to everyone.
  • Use social media-specific features: Each social media platform has its own unique features that you can use to make your videos more engaging. For example, on Instagram, you can use the “swipe up” feature to link to the full video, or on Snapchat, you can use the “tap to skip” feature to allow viewers to skip ahead to specific parts of the video.

By following these tips, you can effectively repurpose long videos for use on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

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