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How to Start a Podcast on Spotify and Repurpose it With

How to Start a Podcast on Spotify and Repurpose it With

October 24, 2023
5 min
Ujjwal Kumar
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Ujjwal Kumar
5 min read
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Podcasts are officially the newbies in town and everyone seems to be loving them. From busy commuters looking for some entertainment during their commutes to passionate learners yearning for a deep dive into various topics, podcasts cater to all. They offer the intimacy and nostalgia of radio combined with the convenience of on-demand streaming, giving listeners the power to curate their own audio experiences. With such versatility and wide appeal, it's no wonder podcasts have taken the world by storm. Here’s how to start a podcast on spotify:

Choosing Your Podcast Niche

Choosing your niche is one of the most important steps while starting a podcast on spotify. You may often wonder if your area of interest tickles others too or if your work resonates with listeners around the world. Here are a few pointers that will help you choose a niche to begin with :

Identifying What Tickles You

Every successful podcast is built on a foundation of passion. Before you start a podcast on spotify or purchase any equipment, take a deep look within. What topics or subjects ignite a fire in your heart? It could be something you've always been curious about, a hobby that occupies your weekends, or perhaps an area of expertise from your professional life. 


Once you've zeroed in on your passion, it's crucial to conduct and indepth research. Check out platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts, and listen to some of the top podcasts in your chosen domain. Make a note of their approach, style, and content delivery. By familiarizing yourself with the existing content, you can identify prevailing trends and, more importantly, spot gaps in the market.

Find Your USP 

With a clear understanding of what's already out there, figure out your USP. It can be a unique perspective, a particular presentation style, or a fresh voice that hasn't been heard before. Recognizing and amplifying what sets you apart is the key to standing out in the crowded podcast realm.

Equipments Required 

A podcast on spotify is not just two people talking, it is much more. It takes a lot to create an impactful podcast. One of the most important parts of this is the equipment you use. Microphones and headphones stand as your staunch allies, ensuring clarity and precision. But the journey doesn't end once the recording light goes off. The magic lies in the post-production process, where raw audio is polished into a gleaming gem. Here, audio recording and editing software emerge as the unsung heroes, allowing creators to trim, enhance, and perfect their episodes, ensuring listeners are treated to nothing short of auditory excellence. 

Crafting A Great Podcast Episode

Starting a podcast on spotify is much more than just hitting the record button. It starts with thoughtful preparation and extends beyond the moment the microphone goes off. Here's how you can sculpt a podcast episode that will resonate with your audience.


Laying the Groundwork

While spontaneous, off-the-cuff episodes are cool, the magic often lies in meticulous planning. To sustain both consistency and quality, it's important to be a step ahead. During this phase, ponder over:

  • The subjects or themes you're eager to explore.
  • Potential interviewees who can enrich the narrative.
  • Aspects that might captivate your audience.

Organizing your podcast agenda using a structured template, with set tasks and deadlines, can streamline the process. If you're having guests, prepping a set of preliminary questions is advisable. But remember, being a successful podcast host is about striking a balance between preparation and spontaneity, as live recording sessions can be unpredictable. Enhancing your interviewing skills—like asking open-ended questions, diving deeper into responses, and understanding your guest—can dramatically uplift the session's quality.

The Recording Phase

As you transition into the recording stage, the ambiance becomes important. While various settings, from living rooms to makeshift home studios, might work, it's the audio quality that truly matters. Look for spaces with minimal noise, devoid of echoes or potential disturbances. Well treated room is recommended. 

Before the red light starts blinking, ensure:

  • All equipment is primed and functional.
  • All devices, especially recording ones, are fully charged.
  • Scripts or episode outlines are within reach.
  • The internet connectivity is stable.
  • If hosting guests remotely, ascertain they're in a noise-free zone with a robust internet connection.
  • For video podcasts, ensure that lighting and camera positioning are optimal.

Once all boxes are ticked, press record.

Editing and Polishing

Post-recording, the raw audio undergoes the process of editing. For newcomers, audio editing software might seem daunting, but with time and practice, it becomes second nature. Fine-tuning, incorporating sound effects or music, and crafting a compelling narrative are all part of this phase. For those integrating music, Spotify's Music + Talk offers a dynamic platform to seamlessly fuse songs with conversational segments. However, always be cautious about copyright restrictions when adding any external audio elements.

Lastly, the branding elements add the final touch. Name your episode, pick a captivating cover, and craft a description that instantly draws listeners. The episode description should encapsulate its essence, weaving in crucial keywords or highlights to attract and inform potential listeners.

The Technical Bits 

Spotify and all streaming platforms value their listeners and strive to provide them with the best experience. They have thus laid down specific guidelines regarding file sizes and types, image size etc.  

  • Spotify needs your audio in MP3 format with a bitrate between 96 and 320 kbps. This means you should upload clear, high-quality audio without much background noise or hiss.
  • Media files can't be larger than 200MB. For reference, 200MB is about 83 minutes at the highest quality or over 200 minutes at a standard quality.
  • Your podcast's cover image should be between 1400 x 1400 and 3000 x 3000 pixels in .JPG or .PNG. It should use RGB colours and be less than 0.5MB in size.
  • To get your podcast on Spotify, you need a title, an image, and at least one episode.

Distributing Your Podcast

You think you have made your podcast episodes and they're ready to take the world by storm. 

A good first step is to put your podcast on big sites like Spotify and other places where people listen to podcasts. You'll use something called a hosting provider to do this. Think of it as a big storage box where your podcast episodes are kept. These hosting places give you something called a podcast RSS feed, which is like a special name tag for your podcast. It helps share your podcast on many listening sites. 

Spotify for Podcasters makes things easier. When you add an episode there, it quickly shows up for all Spotify listeners. Spotify has over 100 million people listening to podcasts! If you also want your podcast on other sites, no worries. It can easily be added to many popular podcast places.

Podcast Repurposing 

Podcast repurposing is another hack to  ensure that your podcast reaches the masses. How can one podcast be used in different ways to cater to different focus groups is what repurposing can help you with. By reshaping content to resonate with various audiences, repurposing ensures that the material remains relevant and reaches its full potential across multiple platforms and demographics.

Final Thoughts 

Starting a podcast on spotify is a whole new adventure altogether. Platforms like Spotify, with their vast reach and user-friendly interfaces, serve as powerful channels, enabling creators to broadcast their distinctive voice and narratives to listeners across continents. Storytelling will always be the heart and soul of any great podcast. Afterall, you and I and everyone out there are just stories, waiting to be heard and told.

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